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Civil unrest is becoming more and more common in the Saffron and Olive Colonies.
Civil unrest is becoming more and more common in the Saffron and Olive Colonies.
To top it off, millions of their citizens, tired of living under imperial rule, separated and created themselves a democratic nation called the [[United Klingdom]].
== Notable Leaders ==
== Notable Leaders ==

Revision as of 21:40, 9 April 2015

Britannian League
Tek Level 6
Controls the central Brikverse, trade routes and colonies. Owns 657 star systems.
None listed
Immortal Alliance
Anti-Immortal Alliance

Celestial Kingdom

Notable People
Queen Victoria V

Lord Prime Minister Arthur Wellesley

Elizabeth Halifax Northbrook

Captain Alexandria

Lieutenant Francis

Britannian Characters

Britannian League

The Britannian League is one of the largest and most prevalent monarchies in the Brikverse, mostly due to its control over major trade routes and the control of many colonies that are key to its economy. The Britannian League is marked by its stereotypical 'Britishness', which includes an overbearing sense of nationalistic loyalty towards the Royal Family, 'King and country'... in most cases, most of the time.

Recent times saw the League take a bit of a beating as they got engaged in more and more conflicts and it was generally assumed they were becoming a victim of their lacking technology

The Britannian Homeworld is known as Winchester and it's capital city is Pendragon. After Pendragon was FLEIJA'd by Bavaria, the League moved its government capital to the planet New London.


Over the course of their history, the Britannian League has almost constantly been slowly expanding their territories, trade routes and colonies through a combination of diplomacy and force. Their endless Imperial ambitions gained them a lot of power, but also a large score of enemies and empires that are wary of them, and recent times saw the League's growth begin to stagnate, even crumble, though efforts were immediately made to turn the tide.


Technologically, the Britannian League is largely lagging behind on the more advanced factions, specifically in relation to their space navy. Even though recent times saw them adopt their contacts and influence in the Brikverse to gain access to more advanced technologies, the vastness of the League makes it difficult to implement these changes effectively, and a lot of Britannian forces still rely on steampunk technology. The League is renown for their use of electrified steel.


The Britannian League employs various kinds of infantry that supplement each other's qualities in battle, and are most well-known for their solid use of light infantry. The infantry is often supported by light, often steampunk vehicles, or infantry units wielding intricate steampunk devices to aid them. The steam gatling would be one such example. Larger and more imposing vehicles exist, but the sheer size of the League restricts the use of these impressive, if somewhat outdated machines mostly to the core worlds.

Britannian armed forces

One of the many Britannian divisions.

There are so many various troop types in the vastness of the League that even the Britannian government has difficulties keeping track of them all. Britannian light infantry are the most prevalent units and there are many types, including the Anzacs. Rocketeer units are often employed as support, and sometimes they are supported by Heavies or special units such as the All-Rounders.

Britannians still utilise cavalry.

Gatling walkers are the most prevalent combat support unit. Larger units such as the Britannian Hardsuits also exist.

The navy relies mostly on large, outdated capital ships that are often supported by gunboats.


The Royal Family bears the highest authority, but the commanders of the fringe worlds and colonies can usually rule with a great deal of autonomy, rarely receiving The nationalistic feeling that houses within every Britannian actually makes this a pretty effective system, as most Britannian leaders are able to put the well-being of the League before any personal desire. In fact, becoming a renown historical figure in the history of the League through loyalty to the Crown is probably their most important personal desire.

The Britannian League is divided into seven sectors currently, each around the size of an average star empire.

  • Indigo Colonies (played by Colette)
  • Olive Colonies

Recent History

For years, the League had been stagnating. Things only grew worse during the events of Zombie Zulu Dawn, during which an entire planet was lost to the Peach Virus and the seeds for a war with the mighty Assyrian Empire were planted. Weary of aggression from their neighbors, the Britannian League joined the Immortal Alliance.

The Britannian League partook in the Prussian-Monarchial Conflict, which they didn't manage to get much profit from.

Apart from the Immortal War, the League was also pushed into a conflict with the Third Alliance.

Civil unrest is becoming more and more common in the Saffron and Olive Colonies.

To top it off, millions of their citizens, tired of living under imperial rule, separated and created themselves a democratic nation called the United Klingdom.

Notable Leaders

Character name Played by Description Thumbnail
Lord Prime Minister Sir Arthur Wellesley Warhead Lord Wellesley is the Prime Minister of the Britannian League, and as such wields an immense amount of power within its government. He also represents the League and its sectors as a whole in high-profile diplomatic events. He serves as a close advisor to Queen Victoria V.
Lord Wellesley
Grand Admiral and Commander of Her Majesties Armed Forces Lord Oliver Cromwell Warhead A prominent leader in the Britannian League (not to be confused with the Praetorian Admiral Cromwell who commands the Inexorable super-dreadnought). He is the supreme commander of the Britannian Navy and Armed Forces, also serving as the sector admiral for the capital Black Sector.
character name
Admiral Blackdog TheBlackDog Admiral Blackdog himself is somewhat reticent about his origins. Found aboard a crashed starship by a group of pirates, he was put to work as a technician at the pirates' base, where he exhibited an impressive knowledge of mechanics and starship systems. His most notable demonstration of this was the construction of a hidden hyperwave transmitter which he used to broadcast the base's location to a nearby Britannian patrol. After he was recovered during the raiding of the base, he joined the Britannian navy and rose through the ranks to become vice Admiral of the Blue Sector.
Admiral Blackdog
Admiral Byron DeSilva silverdream Basically he's a tough diplomat and experienced Admiral past his glory days and a failed poet. He is one of the few that owns an Anal disruptor. He's always carrying an old brown satchel(rumored to hold grenades, poison darts, a revolver, a bottle of rum, bad poetry, a steam powered device for the ladies, the bible, a anal orifice full of drawings and pictures of all the species and tribes he's discovered, a small cog, knives, a claymore, secret files that would be deadly if pirates/otharr empires got to it, his pet cult, a dapper hat and extra pair of trousers. He was kidnapped and experimented on by the Silvadream who made him the Anal Disruptor, killed by Kaiser Klaus and a group of mercenaries before becoming an even more powerful cyborg. Currently, his whereabouts are unknown)
Admiral Byron DeSilva
Admiral White Nun White Nun description
Admiral White Nun
Lady Juliette DuFonce Warhead description
Lady Juliette DuFonce
Lord Harry Paget Flasheart Warhead One of the most renowned Heroes, rogues and all round dashing scoundrels of the entire Britannian Empire, as well as a trusted suitor to Lady Juliette DuFonce.
character name
Sir Martin Starr Elmagnifico As the sole Britannian in the sector, Captain Starr is tasked with exploring and mapping the area for the glory of the Empire! His exploits are well known among the Colonies, and rumor has it that Her Undying Majesty has singled him out to marry one of the younger princesses. He gets about by hiring himself out to charming and important young ladies as an "escort". However, his "conquests" are almost as well known as his escapades with that Assyrian laser rifle of his.
Martin Starr
Commodore von Pompous Warhead Commander of the HMS Boadicea and captain of the black watch
Von Pompus
Admiral Ambrose Crowe Silent-Sigfig The supreme military commander of the Red Sector has no tolerance for incompetence.
Nigel Pritchard