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Latest revision as of 09:38, 2 January 2016

Extras: Each team will earn +1 CP at the end of Round Five. Perhaps somewhat miffed that each team ignored his generous offer of one-upmanship, the Warden has decreed that any team not standing in the inner ring at the beginning of Round Nine will be forced to navigate the additional difficulty of electrified floors (d6 damage per Round). Clearly, the little prick is compensating for something.


Grey Turn 5a, Originally Hidden

The Grey trapped between Orange and Green gets up and leaps into Orange Spy, deciding to tag along for the ride.


Grey Turn 5b

The Grey following Blue attempts to slip past the team and into the Stasis Chamber, in preparation for a surprise attack. The clever tactic is foiled, however, by a SuperNatural Fumble. Blue Android’s keen senses pick the Grey out and he becomes visible.

Note: The red flags denote Last Known Locations of the remaining stealthed Greys.


Grey Turn 5c, Originally Hidden

The one that killed Yellow’s shotgunner remains still, spending his SN die to remain phased into the wall. He’ll need to be careful. A SN fumble could cause him to die a horrible death, fused inside the wall.


Grey Turn 5d, Originally Hidden

Finally, the Grey near the Oni makes a careful break for it, phasing into the wall between the enemies and moving toward the inner ring. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have enough inches of phase movement to make it all the way through.


Blue Turn 5a

Blue Medik moves forward and activates the Stasis Chamber. Blue Team obtains a New Recruit!


Blue Turn 5b

Blue Android steps up next to the chamber, rips out the line that connects to the Chamber’s Hydro Reserve, and connects it to his twice modified arm cannon, turning it into a powerful fire hose.


Blue Turn 5c

He blasts the Grey into a wall (the Grey is Disrupted) and hoses down FireBeard and part of the room he’s moving through. The water douses both sufficiently and FireBeard loses access to his SN dice this turn!


Orange Turn 5a

Orange Spy dashes up and executes a tight little spin directly behind Green’s shotgunner, neatly decapitating him and sending his head flying away.


Orange Turn 5b

She finishes her movement with a graceful backflip over the cover by the doorway. The shotgunner’s head triggers the room entrance trap he had just been informed on how to bypass and is impaled on one of the spikes that shoots from the floor.


Orange Turn 5c

The rest of Orange Team hustles to catch up, finally rounding the corner in the main hall.


Yellow Turn 5a

Snake Yellow both activates the nearby Stasis Chamber, gaining a Newbro, and spends 2 CP to equip him with an explosive. Snake Yellow does note that the requisition form on the Computer Console does only allow him the one explosive.


Yellow Turn 5b

Newbro holsters the explosive and moves forward into the room to pick up the fallen skeleton’s sword. Meanwhile, Mr. Daggers moves over, kicking his dagger into the air and deftly sheathing it before driving the point of his held blade toward the Violet Thug. The point draws blood but the attack is insufficient to bring him down. The Thug counterattacks with similar results and Daggers shrugs the blow off. Medik can’t attack with his pistol and so stands his ground and looks intimidating, hoping to taunt the Thug into attacking him and his shield instead of his friend.


Green Turn 5a

Green’s Pathfinder moves quickly and carefully onward, checking for traps. He discovers a doozy of an arrow trap at the end of the room! He also notices the controlling Mechanism just outside in the hallway! (The controller of the Mechanism can reset the concealed traps in that room).


Green Turn 5b

Master Splinter calmly walks over to the Console and activates the Stasis Chamber, gaining a new Forester. The newbie quickly arms himself with a sharp looking exploded robot part (this will count as Random Object).


Pirates Turn 5

Despite having lost several SN dice for the turn, FireBeard ain’t no punk. The pirate lord rushes Blue Android and nearly rips the other half of his face off with the hook and a handy bit of Overskill. Miraculously, he also survives Android’s counterattack.


Thugs Turn 5

The Violet Thug, on the other hand, kind of is a punk. He crit-fails his attack on the Medik, who smashes the bat out of his hand with the shield. It clatters to the floor behind the reptiles.


Round Five Overview A


Round Five Overview B


Round Five Overview C

I've expanded the Breakdown and added a Comparison chart afterward for quicker reference.

Overview Breakdown

Blue Team



Android Body 3

Upgrade: SuperNatural d6


Android: AutoGun (1 Handed), Sword

Medik: Medik Tool, Pistol

Recruit: No Equipment

Pathfinder Corpse: 2 Swords

Loot Score: 1

Kill Table

3 Kills

2 Deaths

Kill Score: 1

Badass Moments

Blue Turn 1, Wasting the Pathfinder for temporary gain

Blue Turn 3a, Casual Chasm Redshirt

Blue Turn 4a, This Is BrikWars!

Badass Score: 3

Objectives Obtained


Orange Team



Map Dominance


Spy: Pistol, Saber

Medik: Medik Tool, Pistol

Shotgunner: ShotGun

Pathfinder: 2 Sabers

Loot Score: 0

Kill Table

2 Kills

0 Deaths

Kill Score: 2

Badass Moments

Orange Turn 4a, A Perfect Shot

Orange Turn 5a-b, Graceful Execution

Badass Score: 2

Objectives Obtained


Yellow Team



Poison Shiv 3


Snake: Fang Dagger (Sheathed), Longbow

Medik: Medik Tool (Holstered), Shield, Pistol

Pathfinder: Dagger, Dagger (Holstered), Pistol

Newbro: X2 Explosive (Holstered), Bone Sword

Shotgunner Corpse: ShotGun

Loot Score: 4

Kill Table

4 Kills

1 Deaths

Kill Score: 3

Badass Moments

Yellow Turn 3a, Snake Coil Leap Attack

Yellow Turn 3b, Improbable Dagger Throw

Yellow Turn 4b, The Angry Arrow

Badass Score: 3

Objectives Obtained


Green Team



Fleet Foresters


Master Splinter: Crossbow, Claw

Pathfinder: 2 Axes

Forester: Robot Part (Random Object)

Medik Corpse: Medik Tool, Crossbow

Shotgunner Corpse: ShotGun

Loot Score: 1

Kill Table

2 Kills

1 Deaths

Kill Score: 1

Badass Moments

Green Turn 3a and 5a, Pathfinder Trapmaster

Orange Turn 4b, Medik Redshirt

Green Turn 4c, Puts on Shades

Badass Score: 3

Objectives Obtained


Grey Team


Unknown CP

At least 1 Phasic SuperNatural Dice


Grey: Unknown

Grey: 2 Knives

Grey: Unknown

Grey: Unknown

Known Loot Score: 0

Kill Table

1 Kills

0 Deaths

Kill Score: 1

Badass Moments

Grey Turn 4h, The Wall Grab

Badass Score: 1

Objectives Obtained


Overview Comparison

Construction Points

Grey: ???

Blue: 2

Orange: 4

Yellow: 5

Green: 4

Loot Score

Grey: 0

Blue: 1

Orange: 0

Yellow: 4

Green: 1

Kill Score

Grey: 1

Blue: 1

Orange: 2

Yellow: 3

Green: 1

Badass Score

Grey: 1

Blue: 3

Orange: 2

Yellow: 3

Green: 3


Grey: Unknown

Blue: 0

Orange: 0

Yellow: 0

Green: 0

For Great Justice, Part I: Tower of Justice
Previous: Round Four Next: Round Six