Gold Sector Characters

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The following is a comprehensive list of Characters from the Gold Sector

Comprehensive, albeit unfinished chart of all Important figures from the Gold Sector

Galacian Imperiya

Alex Shulga

Alex Shulga is the Supreme Leader of the Galacian Imperiya, he was a veteran who fought in the waning days of the Peacheneg conquests. After the war he served as an officer in the Remnant Faction known as the Elkossian Enclave, By the time the faction regained control of the homeworld, much of his wherabouts and history was lost track of. He didn't appear in the public eye until R.2016 where he was apart of the "Triumvirate" alongside Kazakov and Voronin, the three were the de-facto leaders of the new Galacian State that had been rebuilding the old Elkossian Empire. Eventually power was released by the military to a partial Civilian government led by Stepan Tesarik, this was known as the 1st Galacian Republik

By R.2017 The Republik had held election and Tesarik lost, Jim Lahey an independent candidate won the election by a fluke. And Began butting heads with Shulga almost immediately, Galacia had just finished a war against Communist seperatists, and were now facing the possibility of a resurgence in Peacheneg violence. Shulga and the other Military brass were already in the process. Lahey Objected to the plan of expanding the Military. Eventually, Peacheneg violence returned and Lahey had no choice but to go ahead with the expansion. Shulga was given a budget to expand the Armies and Navy, and he instead turned that budget into an investment into research and development... for months no progress was made and the Lahey Administration became very angry, then when threatened to have his funding revoked, Shulga revealed the extent of his project. Shulga's forces practically robbed the Zagorian systems of most of their resources and assembled in secret, one of the largest military forces in the galaxy.

Lahey was appalled, This was sure to enfuriate the AN as well as all of Galacia's neighbors, and it was clear almost immediately that Shulga wanted to use his new toys... After the Outer Haven Incident. Lahey was Shocked and did nothing so Shulga deposed him by force and was quick to launch a massive assault against the Imperial Magikstrate in starting the Arhus Crisis, an 11 day flashpoint between the Iron Symphony , Magikstrate and the M-Throne Empire that threatened to engulf half the galaxy in a massive war.

During the war, Shulga did however show a soft side, albeit surely with some kind of scheme in mind. He ordered an end to fighting in the Zagoria region, and granted the systems independence, creating the Systems Conglomerate Since then, he has been mostly an enigma. Ruling the Imperiya with less of an Iron fist than would be expected from a Military Dictatorship. Leaving most decisions to regional commanders and police forces, putting Galacia in a state of limbo halfway between business as usual, and a war economy.

Imperiya Kommissariat

Vlad Kazakov

Stan Voronin

Igor Bryzgalov

Tachenko "The Bulldozer"

Anessa Ziegler

Artem Novikov

Mikhael Rinne

Leshiy Yarmoshuk

Katerina Thunderova

Bogatyr Guard







Karliah Yarmoshuk


Other Galacian

Sarah Lahey

Jim Lahey

Randy Lahey

The Doppelganger



Systems Conglomerate

Ron Fort

Stephen Bardak

Vaclav Hasek

Sergeant Pavel


Volhinyan Region

Karl Magadan II

Kynaz Magadan II was the 2nd Monarch of the Volhinyan Kynazdom, he was a kind albeit bombastic leader who had a tendancy to boast of his combat abilities, this came to a head on Outer Haven where he was killed in combat by a mortar. His Body was later recovered and used to create the "Overlord" Cyborg when Technocrats took over Volhinya, as some kind of sick Symbolic act to finalize their victory.


Overlord is the moniker of the Cyborg that was created with the cadaver of the former Karl Magadan II

Mariza Magadana

General Guba


Cherhovna Bryhada

Stepan Tesarik


Lopotev "Akula"


Syndikat Pirates






Kast Renzer

A veteran Pirate with a secret past. See Kast Renzo

Peacheneg Armata Coalition

Simo Pracka

Juuka Rask




Chernarussian Star Federation

Premier Cherdenko

Commander Boris



Bruno of Spartak


Kerjit Aldemir