Lux Gargoyle Armies

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Lux Gargoyles

Scale: Minifig

Size (longest dimensions):

  • Length: Approx. 8 Studs, Approx. Double with Weapons
  • Width: Approx. 8 Studs, Approx. Double with Weapons
  • Height: Approx. 9 Bricks

Part Count: 63 Bricks

From the Lux Araphelinus Dreadnaught Presentation:

Gargoyles are any form of inanimate matter animated by divine energies. They’re also called Constructs or Golems. Unlike traditional animation magiks, divine animation instills a limited form of intelligence. Where a mortal spell might mimic intelligence slightly above that of an animal, divine animation creates actual sentience with, depending upon the skill of the caster, an average I.Q. Once animated, a Gargoyle remains alive so long as it receives regular infusions of divine energy. On average, this is no different than eating is for any given mortal. Gargoyles are rarely spontaneously employed and doing so is extremely dangerous. While the animation process imbues them with awareness and intelligence, it does not necessarily imbue them with loyalty. As with any thinking creature, loyalty is earned and so Gargoyles must typically go through similar training to their Lux counterparts. Once trained, they are typically employed in guard positions. Larger, more powerful Gargoyles guard the hulls of ships. Boarding a Lux vessel is not an action an enemy takes lightly. The Forms Gargoyles take (or, rather, are fashioned in) serve as their bodies and can thus limit their abilities. Unlike other Lux, the divine spark in Gargoyles merely animates them (makes the material they are made of “living” and allows for movement, imbues them with sentience, and so on)…it does not grant them powers like telepathy or Glamour. They are what they appear to be unless disguised by a Lux with the power to do so.

Usually, Gargoyles on a vessel are plugged into Animation Nodes, which are merely power conduits that keep them recharged and ready if they are already animated or which serve as a direct line to a would be animator who wants to wake one up.

Depicted above, the most common Gargoyle Form is a beastly shock trooper, roughly about the same size as a DEUS Mech. Their living steel bodies pulse with animation conduits; Purefire burns through their veins, powering their limbs and adding incredible strength and agility to their blows and movements. Designs tend to vary a little from company to company but the basic design philosophy is generally the same: horns, claws, and a tail, a lean, agile, and lightly armored frame, and typically equipped with twin Holy Swords (though specialist squads do train in the use of Purefire Rifles and other conventional weaponry).

Gargoyles, as living, thinking creatures, do have the capacity to feel the same depth of emotions as their minifig counterparts, running the gamut from intense passion to abject fear. They can succumb to the vile power of Twu Wuv just like any of their compatriots. Thankfully, they more commonly succumb to insane bloodlust. However, despite the existence of their Minds, Gargoyles tend to be somewhat removed from these emotions. While their bodies are living, giving them the ability to sense their environment in as meaningful a way as a regular minifig, their bodies are also fairly indestructible. Aging is more of a mental process than a physical one. And, due to their societal function, indoctrination, and sheer numbers, it can be difficult for them to create a strong sense of identity. On the plus side, all of these things make them pretty great at soldiering.


Lux Archangelic Gargoyles

Scale: MicroScale

Size (longest dimensions):

  • Length: Approx. 12 Studs, Approx. 18 with Weapons and Wingspan
  • Width: Approx. 12 Studs, Approx. 18 with Weapons and Wingspan
  • Height: Approx. 17 Bricks

Part Count: 254 Bricks

Also called Apocalyptic Form Gargoyles, these behemoths are the equal of any space mecha. They tower above the more common Gargoyles, who stand about as tall as one of the Archangelic Gargoyle’s clawed feet. They propel their massively powerful bodies through the void of space on golden wings and what they can’t simply rip apart with their Herculean frames, they blast apart with massively upgraded and upsized Retribution Revolvers.

For all their power, however, their energy requirements are just as colossal. Keeping an Archangelic Gargoyle animated requires a tremendous output of energy the likes of which are usually only found in Great Spirits or places of power. If these giants are mobile, it’s very likely that they serve aboard (literally, on) a dreadnaught or similar vessel attached to a Great Spirit. They patrol its hull with outstanding ability. Even then, it’s almost unheard of to find more than three on any particular ship.


Lux Archangelic Gargoyle Lords

Scale: MicroScale

Size (longest dimensions):

  • Length: Approx. 12 Studs, Approx. Double with Weapons and Wingspan
  • Width: Approx. 12 Studs, Approx. 18 with Weapons and Wingspan
  • Height: Approx. 16 Bricks

Part Count: 218 Bricks

Gargoyle Lords are particularly ancient behemoths. Untold eons of waging war and traveling the breadth of the universe have gifted them with awesome powers, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Lords have been known to meditate for years, unmoving, contemplating the mysteries and ways of the BrikVerse, then suddenly burst into motion and rain destruction and ruin down upon entire enemy fleets with their giant sized Cataclysm Blades. It is rare to ever even see one, let alone to find more than one in the same sector of space (though there are several, one each aboard the major dreadnaughts, in the Nehellenium Galaxy). There are rumors that this Gargoyle Form is a sort of second life for resurrected Archangels with no bodies to return to. Those rumors are totally unfounded, however.

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Lux Introduction, Part Four The Lux Lux Introduction, Part Five