Anne Casey

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Anne Casey

Squad Leader


Anne Casey has been with the Guild for a number of years. When Grunge Smith decided to split the guild up into squadrons for ease of management, it was only natural that she would head up the first squadron.

As a veteran, she has been in a number of campaigns with ASAG - the R2013 expedition to Aegyptus and the raiding of various trap-laden tombs in the deserts, the R2012 expedition to Amazonia and the little scrap with the Cyclops, and numerous others, too many to mention, or make up off the top of one's head.

Rumours about Anne's orientation are never-ending, and she has been romantically linked to Viktoria before she left with Von Braun to join the Prussian Empire's Ekk Korps under General Gunter Grass. She has also been linked in the past to Helena from Clint's squad and Natalia from Evie's squad. When not on duty with ASAG she is often found in the Pink Dragon, an establishment of a dubious nature, and she is well known to the scene there.

Anne's weapon of choice is a lever-operated Winchester rifle, with a revolver and combat knife as back up.