For Great Justice, Part 1: Tower of Justice Presentation Addendum, Level Two

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Welcome, Players, to Level Two of the Tower of Justice.


Level Two Overview

Your goal on this level is to get to the outer colored corridor and obtain your Key. It costs one inch of movement to grab the Key from its resting place. This unlocks the ladder to Level 3. The last team to obtain their Key will get a nasty surprise. Remember, the first Team to reach the Level Three Objective wins the Tower of Justice and their freedom.


Level Two Objectives

Each Team will be blocked from one another (except from Greys and Headhunters) and will each have their own path to pursue. Players must choose between a difficult path and an easy one. The difficult path is denoted by a red colored entrance while the easy path is the pink one. The difficult path will provide more opportunities for CP, Kill Count, Loot, and Reinforcements but will also consume much more time than the easy path. It should be noted that the hard paths might vary in difficulty between the players, based on the experience they had with Level 1. The easy path is a straight shot to the Objective but provides considerably less rewards.


Level Two Path Choices, Pink (Easy) and Red (Hard)

Players may encounter Treasure Chests as they move through either path. Each chest provides a number of CP. It simply costs one inch of movement to open a chest and obtain the CP.


Treasure Chests

Some Chests are Golden Chests. These do not provide CP. Instead, they provide a much more powerful reward: A Heroic Item, the shape of which is chosen by the player receiving it (within reason). These chests cost two inches of movement to open and obtain the Item.


Golden Chests

End of Round Nine Extras: The Warden has decided to be even more generous. For the cost of an Action or a Move, at any Computer Console, each Team gains the ability to make a special purchase beginning Round Ten. Each Special Purchase is available once per console. Each costs 3 CP. They are as follows:

Grey – Rite of Worth. Greys with this ability can choose to increase their CP by 2 or their Total Score by 1 for each kill they make. Each time this ability is chosen, it applies to a different individual Grey.

Blue – Superior Programming. Android may reroll any one failed Skill Roll.

Orange – Energy Requisition. Any Orange Spawned Turret may now fire three shots instead of two before becoming inert.

Yellow – Poison Use. Any weapon may be upgraded with one shot of poison or an already Poisoned weapon may replenish one of its spent Poison Uses. Unless stated otherwise, all weapons can carry only one dose of poison. (Poison Shiv carries three, for example).

Green – Trapmasters. Green members searching for traps may now move at full speed when doing so. Further purchases of this ability confer a +1 bonus to overcoming or avoiding traps.

Headhunters – Murder Fuel. Headhunters with this ability can choose to increase their CP by 1 or their Total Score by 2 for each kill they make. Each time this ability is chosen, it applies to a different individual hunter.

For Great Justice, Part I: Tower of Justice
Previous: Round Nine Next: Round Ten