Holey Army from Beyond

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Holey Army from Beyond
Blank fig.jpg
Eldritch Abominations
TL 6
Small Empire
None listed
Notable People

IN THE BEGINNING, the history of the BrikVerse was simple. Blocky brick-built figures rose up from the primordial plastic, which then evolved into simple minifigs....

But not all evolved into minifigs. Some separated, viewing this change in form grotesque and weaker. These figures left seeking isolation, refuge from this disease. They kept their blocky nature and grew into many shapes. eventually they evolved joints. What they saw was the future, the future that should have been for all...

A Multi-Purpose Unit (MPU).

Ground Assault mode - hovers for greater mobility and agility at the cost of 360 degree line of fire

Ariel Assault mode - "low altitude" flying at the cost of 360 degree line of fire

An air support unit.

Space flight capable and can carry MPU's underneath.

Link: http://brikwars.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=12338