The Botched Colony Project

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3-7 players

TechLevel: 5

Goal: Multiple winning endgames see below.


You are the leader of one of several small factions that survived a failed interplanetary colony mission. You possess a colony pod, 7 troops, a medic, and one faction bonus. Scattered across the playfield are several other equipment pods from the ship.

There are five options for reaching ultimate victory:

1.) Bloody Masacre- Be the sole remaining faction.

2.) Monopoly- You must secure all surviving food rations.

3.) Rescue- You must obtain the 3 main components of the ship’s subspace radio, send a distress signal and wait 1 turn for the rescue ship to arrive.

4.) Escape- You must build a medium or larger vehicle and move all you own 40” away from your starting position.

5.) Capitalist Despot- You must have sole possession of at least twice as many total CP as the next highest faction. You must announce your intention on your turn, account total CPs on paper, and prove success.

Equipment in pods should be determined before the game, and the pod locations chosen randomly (I recommend a scatter die and a d10) after player’s locations is decided.

Available equipment in pods:

Rover Total of 2


1 missle launcher with 2 Mk I missles

1 plasma torch (flame thrower)

6 Impact Rifles

10 Impact Pistols

7 Knives per faction

Tools 1 box of three tools per faction

Subspace Radio Parts 1 radar dish, 1 computer, and 1 tuning device (hinges). Each should be in a separate location.

Colony Ship Remains 1 engine, several wheelsets, 2 sets of controls, one Transporter (eliminate if you don’t have the rules from 2000), assorted junk

Robots 1d2+1 (coin)

Food Rations 1d6+3 (use barrels, chests, or color-coded bricks)

Note: As each pod is opened, roll 1d6. A 1 means that the pod is infested with Fleeb-Norks. They attack whoever opened the pod.

Faction Bonuses:

Mobility: Your faction already has a small vehicle and a mechanic.

Secretive: One of your troops is a ninja.

Militant: All of your troops have a Gyro pistol and a +1 skill when firing a weapon.

Athletic: All of your troops have Power of 2.

Security: Your base has +1d10 armor and a mounted Impact Rifle.

Technology: Besides your troops, you have two Robots(Synthetics).

Faith: Each of your troops has one holy stupendous feat.