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Zirconian Institute of Teknology
Scientific Organization
Tek Level 6
Zirconian System
Diamond Prefecture
Galacian Gold Sector
Dumb People, Rival Scientists
Notable People
Dr. Radchenko

The Zirconian Institute of Teknology (Z.I.T) is a Galacian state sponsored Tek University specializing in advanced research and development projects in the fields of energy, communications, military applications and theoretical physics. The Z.I.T is jointly operated by a board of business sponsors, the Galacian government, and the Galacian Military.

The Z.I.T is Galacia's primary Research and Development group, and is responsible for the initial development of countless projects that are apart of everyday society in the Gold Sector. Programs are assigned codenames, and clearance levels for those that are of sensitive or dangerous nature. Individual items assembled

While comprising of many of the brightest minds and most skilled scientists in the region, the Institute is often looked down upon by other Acadamies and universities as it's faculty and staff are known to be horribly incompetent, Scientists show up to work drunk on a regular occasion, expensive equipment is destroyed in explosions at least once a week, and lower ranking science team members often go missing, thought to be killed off and disposed of during some of the mad science that goes on by it's director, Dr. Radchenko

For all it's faults, Z.I.T is probably the only interesting institution that is headquartered in the Zircon system, much of the planet is still used today as a junkyard, and the Scientists love to burn garbage in random, completely unsafe fashion. in hopes of creating new compounds or chemicals

Public works projects

  • Project Emerald - Research into the green crystalline compound known as Tibinium, or Ikor, commonly known as Galacian Nova Emerald or Nova Green, a mysterious, plentiful Neon Green Transparent element that has multiple energy generation properites.
  • Project Firewood (Shut down) - Research into biofuels, teknology was used by the Urving energy corporation but then shut down by the government once discovered that the teknology was retrofitted into using live minifigs as it's fuel source.

Top Secret projects

  • Project Snowstorm - A top secret military operation that acted as the precursor for the development of the Galacian Shocktrooper, including cybernetic enhancements and an AI assisted communications network for said soldiers.
  • Project Steel Yard - Another top secret military and communications program that developed the "DuGA" AI program, a network of AI supercomputers that functions as the command of the units from Project Snowstorm

Beyond Top Secret projects

  • Project Doorbell - experimentation with portal technology into Other Dimensions
  • Project Blue Rinse - destruction of said other dimensions