For Great Justice, Part 1: Tower of Justice Round Seven

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Extras: Each team will earn +1 CP at the end of Round Seven. After this round, one round remains before the floors and walls outside the inner ring become electrified.


Grey Turn 7a, Originally Hidden

The Grey in Blue’s Keyzone uses the Computer Console to purchase an explosive, spending 2 CP.


Grey Turn 7b, Originally Hidden

He then rigs it to Blue’s Ladder and does his best to hide it. Unfortunately, he fails completely in this and, unless Blue crit-fails his perception, he’ll definitely notice it. Having done what he could, the Grey ascends to Level 2.


Grey Turn 7c, Originally Hidden

The Grey that snuck behind Yellow continues moving, phased, through the wall toward the central hub. Incredibly, he is able to move the entire distance of his sprint while phased.


Grey Turn 7d, Originally Hidden

The Grey by Blue, however, continues to have bad luck and can only move a short distance while phased.


Grey Turn 7e

The Grey that just jumped out of Orange Spy spins around and tries to slice her open with his knives. He hits but his damage isn't high enough to seriously wound her. In response, she counterattacks but he spends his SN die in conjunction with his defense roll and becomes immaterial. Her sword slides through the space where his belly used to be, to no effect. It almost appears as if he’s laughing in her face.

This makes them mighty difficult to kill but if you can catch one out on the same turn it was phased, you can murder it. Also, please ignore the's supposed to be hidden.


Blue Turn 7a

Android withdraws from close combat with FireBeard. The pirate slashes at him on the way by but doesn’t manage to score a killing blow. Android finishes his movement by splashing through the big puddle in the fire room, thus putting out the fire on his person.


Blue Turn 7b

Pissed now, he turns and transforms his body into a mechanical hardsuit, most of the last vestiges of his synth-skin falling away in a grotesque parody of life!

Fans of MFZ will recognize the Chub design.


Orange Turn 7a

Orange Spy moves over to the Computer Console while Medik and Shotgunner move toward the room.


Orange Turn 7b

She uses her Map Dominance to summon a turret. But she makes a modification and orders it strapped with two rockets instead of a laser bank! She spends 1 CP for each of the rockets.

Scythe, you clever bastard.


Orange Turn 7c

She looks over, grins at the grouped Foresters, and pushes the fire button. The explosion could’ve been very nasty for Green but, unfortunately, the damage was too low to kill any of them.


Orange Turn 7d

All of them are thrown from the explosion and are Disrupted.


Yellow Turn 7

Yellow Team hustles toward their Keyzone, keeping their Reactions available for new enemies or hidden Greys. Snake Yellow makes the inner ring. Nothing seems amiss…


Green Turn 7

Green Team decides to gain a better tactical position, stand up, and all rush down the hall toward the turret. They fire off a few attacks but nothing penetrates. The turret seems to be tracking their movement all on its own.


Pirates Turn 7

Undaunted by Blue Android’s transformation, FireBeard steps up and releases a furnace blast a third as big as he is. The blast is harmlessly deflected from Android’s shiny new groin piece. Blue Android is not set on fire and now appears to be as impervious to flame as FireBeard is!


Round Seven Overview A


Round Seven Overview B


Round Seven Overview C

Overview Breakdown

Blue Team



Android Body 2

Upgrade: SuperNatural d6


Android: Hardsuit

Medik Corpse: Medik Tool

Recruit Corpse: Pistol

Pathfinder Corpse: 2 Swords

Loot Score: 3

Kill Table

3 Kills

4 Deaths

Kill Score: -1

Badass Moments

Blue Turn 1, Wasting the Pathfinder for temporary gain

Blue Turn 3a, Casual Chasm Redshirt

Blue Turn 4a, This Is BrikWars!

Blue Turn 7b and Pirates Turn 7, Mecha Madness!

Badass Score: 4

Objectives Obtained


Orange Team



Map Dominance


Spy: Pistol, Saber

Medik: Medik Tool, Pistol

Shotgunner: ShotGun

Pathfinder Corpse : 2 Sabers

Purchased and Spent Explosive

Loot Score: 1

Kill Table

2 Kills

1 Deaths

Kill Score: 1

Badass Moments

Orange Turn 4a, A Perfect Shot

Orange Turn 5a-b, Graceful Execution

Green Turn 6b, RedShirt to Beam Up

Orange Turn7b-c, Modified Turret

Badass Score: 4

Objectives Obtained


Yellow Team



Poison Shiv 3


Snake: Fang Dagger (Sheathed), Longbow

Medik: Medik Tool (Holstered), Shield, Pistol

Pathfinder: Dagger, Dagger (Holstered), Pistol

Newbro: Bone Sword

Shotgunner Corpse: ShotGun

Purchased and Spent Explosive

Loot Score: 4

Kill Table

7 Kills

1 Deaths

Kill Score: 6

Badass Moments

Yellow Turn 3a, Snake Coil Leap Attack

Yellow Turn 3b, Improbable Dagger Throw

Yellow Turn 4b, The Angry Arrow

Yellow Turn 6c, Arrow Explosivo

Badass Score: 4

Objectives Obtained


Green Team



Fleet Foresters


Master Splinter: Crossbow, Claw

Pathfinder: 2 Axes

Forester: Robot Part (Random Object)

Medik Corpse: Medik Tool, Crossbow

Shotgunner Corpse: ShotGun

Loot Score: 1

Kill Table

3 Kills

1 Deaths

Kill Score: 2

Badass Moments

Green Turn 3a and 5a, Pathfinder Trapmaster

Orange Turn 4b, Medik Redshirt

Green Turn 4c, Puts on Shades

Green Turn 6a-b, Tactikal Supremacy

Badass Score: 4

Objectives Obtained


Grey Team



Phasic SuperNatural Dice


Grey: 2 Knives

Grey: 2 Knives

Grey: 2 Knives

Grey: 2 Knives

Purchased Explosive

Loot Score: 1

Kill Table

2 Kills

0 Deaths

Kill Score: 2

Badass Moments

Grey Turn 4h, The Wall Grab

Grey Turn 6d, Phantom Ride Kill Assist

Badass Score: 2

Objectives Obtained


Overview Comparison

Construction Points

Grey: 5

Blue: 4

Orange: 4

Yellow: 7

Green: 6

Loot Score

Grey: 1

Blue: 3

Orange: 1

Yellow: 4

Green: 1

Kill Score

Grey: 2

Blue: -1

Orange: 1

Yellow: 6

Green: 2

Badass Score

Grey: 2

Blue: 4

Orange: 4

Yellow: 4

Green: 4


Blue: 0

Orange: 0

Yellow: 0

Green: 0

Total Scores

Grey 0

Blue: 2

Orange: 2

Yellow: 7

Green: 1

Everyone at least breaks even. Despite dropping, Yellow still has a commanding lead with Blue and Orange now tied for second place.

Previous: Round Six Next: Round Eight